We’ve all been told if you engage people in the process, they’ll be more vested in the outcome. Often in business, this concept is presented in regards to employees and getting team input to increase involvement and commitment regarding a new product, service or project. However, don’t forget about your customers! They can often provide valuable feedback on products and services. In fact, you can often increase sales by asking for feedback.
My team and I have always been good at listening to our customers. In fact, listening to customers ask for either products or services we don’t provide has led to us increasing our product and service offerings throughout the years. Also, when they don’t buy a product or utilize a service, they’re also providing valuable feedback!

What do you do, however, when you stumble across a brand new product or service that you’re thinking of adding to your business?

How do you get feedback BEFORE you add it to your business?

How do you ensure that a new product or service will sell?


One very simple way is to ASK FOR OPINIONS.

Let me share how this recently worked for my business . . .

I was at the Creativation trade show in Phoneix, Arizona when I walked past a very small booth of a new product called the Glue Sponge. Their banner caught my eye. I saw their tagline “Just Press. No Mess.” I was intrigued. My store not only sells paper craft supplies but also teaching materials. I immediately thought this product would be great for the craft room and the classroom. I listened to their sales pitch. I tried the product out. I loved it. However, I wanted to know if it would really sell.

So, I shared the product on Facebook and asked my customers their opinions:

Increasing retail sales
I had a great response from this post. So many people commented on the post. More surprising was the direct messages and emails I received from people asking me to save them the product when they arrived. I hadn’t even ordered the product yet and people were asking to be put on a Waiting List. This was amazing.
Since I received such positive feedback about this product, I realized my hunch was right and I should start selling the Glue Sponge. I ordered two cases which amounted to 36 glue sponges. I have never ordered 36 of any item at the same time before. But, I wasn’t nervous at all. I was counting on everyone who provided positive feedback to purchase the product. When they arrived, we started contacting everyone who said they wanted one or would be interested. We posted on Facebook that they had arrived. IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS WE SOLD OUT. We are now waiting on a second shipment and have a Waiting List of people to call when they arrive.

Based on this experience, I’ve asked myself a couple of questions:

  • Would this product have sold as well if I had not engaged our customers on Facebook before even ordering it?

    I doubt it. It would have required so much in-person explanation and demonstration. 
  • Am I going to use this technique in the future to get feedback?

    Yes!  Definitely! I often discover new products that seem innovative and exciting to me that I’ll share in this manner. When customers feel they’re part of the decision-making process, they’re obviously more apt to purchase. 
So, the next time you’re thinking about adding a new product or service, remember you can increase sales by asking for feedback! 
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Sondra Kirtley, MBA, is an entrepreneur who owns and operates a retail and service business in Eureka, California. Known for her helpful nature and small business expertise, Sondra founded to share tips and experiences with other small business owners.

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