
I’m excited you’re here!

In June 2018, I celebrated the 14th anniversary of my retail and service business, Scrapper’s Edge, in Eureka, California. It’s a print shop and paper craft store that continues to grow and prosper.

Over the years I’ve learned so much. While I’ve made mistakes, I’ve also been successful in so many ways. I hope by sharing information and experiences on this blog, I can help other small business owners learn and prosper. I encourage you to ask questions, leave feedback and provide topic ideas. My business has grown largely from listening to my customers. With this blog, I hope to listen to you to develop the content that will be helpful!

Thanks for visiting!

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Sondra Kirtley, MBA, is an entrepreneur who owns and operates a retail and service business in Eureka, California. Known for her helpful nature and small business expertise, Sondra founded SmallBizpathway.com to share tips and experiences with other small business owners.

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