If you’ve been reading this blog or follow my business on Facebook or Instagram, you know that one thing I love to do for my business is to post information about special “holidays” each month. 

If you want to check out my business Social Media Pages visit these:

Creating graphics to post on Social Media for various holidays – both traditional and fun – is a great way to engage your followers. And, if you include your website address at the bottom of the graphics it’s a great way to promote your business when the graphics are shared. As I was researching holidays a few ago I had a “lightbulb moment.” I figured if I find these holidays helpful to create social media content, that other businesses will too. So, I decided to share. Why should you compile your own list when I’ve already done the work?  You’re welcome! 

Here’s what you can do to create social media content for holidays:

  1. Look at the list and determine which holidays you’d like to feature.
  2. Create simple graphics regarding each holiday that include your website address.
  3. Post them on Social Media the day of or the day before the actual holiday.

To create the graphics, use whatever graphics program you prefer. If you have a program or app on your computer or mobile device that works, use it. If you need a source for royalty-free graphics and photos, a great source is Pixabay. For online design options, try Fotor or Canva

You can also use these holidays to create promotions. Here are a few examples:

  • National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day – Restaurants could offer specials that feature peanut butter. Any business could offer snacks with peanuts. 
  • National Napping Day – Furniture stores could offer discounts on mattresses or may have a napping contest. Maybe they could try to break some type of record in the Guiness Book of World Records. 
  • Popcorn Lover’s Day – Businesses could rent a popcorn machine and offer free popcorn with any purchase.
  • St Patrick’s Day – Retail stores could offer a discount on any green-colored products.
  • First Day of Spring – Spring time is a great time to renew and re-energize. Just think of all the specials a spa could offer. Or what about a gym? Just about any business could tie a promotion into Spring .  . Spring into Savings . . . Spring Ahead with a New Wardrobe . . . Spring Fling Savings at ABC Retailer . . . you get the idea!

    Of course these examples don’t apply to everyone, but you get the idea!  Think of how you can relate the holidays to your business and offer something special on some of the days. Customers like free things and discounts. They also like promotions that are fun. Instead of copying what other businesses do, think of ways you can use these holidays to make doing business with you a memorable and fun experience!
























March 1, 2019     National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day

March 1, 2019     National Employee Appreciation Day

March 3, 2019     World Wildlife Day

March 4, 2019     National Grammar Day

March 5, 2019     National Pancake Day

March 5, 2019     Mardi Gras

March 6, 2019     National Dentist’s Day

March 7, 2019     National Be Heard Day

March 7, 2019     National Cereal Day

March 8, 2019     International Women’s Day

March 8, 2019     National Proofreading Day

March 8, 2019     National Day of Unplugging

March 10, 2019   National Pack Your Lunch Day

March 10, 2019   Daylight Savings

March 11, 2019   National Worship of Tools Day

March 11, 2019   National Napping Day

March 12, 2019   National Girl Scout Day

March 14, 2019   National Pi Day

March 14, 2019   Popcorn Lover’s Day

March 14, 2019   Potato Chip Day

March 15, 2019   World Consumer Rights Day

March 15, 2019   World Sleep Day

March 16, 2019   National Freedom of Information Day

March 17, 2019   St. Patrick’s Day

March 18, 2019   Awkward Moments Day

March 19, 2019   National Let’s Laugh Day

March 20, 2019   International Day of Happiness

March 20, 2019   World Storytelling Day

March 20, 2019   First Day of Spring

March 21, 2019   World Poetry Day

March 22, 2019   World Water Day

March 23, 2019   National Puppy Day

March 25, 2019   Waffle Day

March 26, 2019   National Spinach Day

March 26, 2019   Purple Day

March 30, 2019   Earth Hour Day

March 30, 2019   National Doctors Day

March 30, 2019   National Take A Walk in the Park Day

March 31, 2019   World Backup Day

I hope you find this helpful. I’ve also shared some of the graphics I’ve created to help get your creative juices flowing. 

For more social media content ideas, go to 90 SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT IDEAS.

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Sondra Kirtley, MBA, is an entrepreneur who owns and operates a retail and service business in Eureka, California. Known for her helpful nature and small business expertise, Sondra founded to share tips and experiences with other small business owners.

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